Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship To Study Bachelor’s and Master’s in German Universities


About Friedrich Ebert Foundation

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) is the oldest political foundation in Germany with a rich tradition in social democracy dating back to its foundation in 1925. The foundation owes its formation and its mission to the political legacy of its namesake Friedrich Ebert, the first democratically elected German President.

The work of our political foundation focuses on the core ideas and values of social democracy – freedom, justice and solidarity. This connects us to social democracy and free trade unions. As a non-profit institution, we organise our work autonomously and independently.

Location: Bonn, Germany

What Friedrich Ebert Foundatio do

We support and strengthen social democracy in particular by means of:

  • Political educational work to strengthen the civil society. Our political education programs in Germany motivate, enable, inform and qualify citizens to successfully engage in political, trade union and civil spheres. We improve citizens’ participation in social discussions and decision-making processes.
  • Think Tanks: We develop strategies on the core issues of economic, social and educational policies as well as on key issues that advance democracy. At the crossroad where think tanks, academia and political practitioners meet, we create a public discourse for a just and sustainable economic and social order on a national, European and worldwide level
  • International cooperation: With our international network of offices in more than 100 countries, we support a policy for peaceful cooperation and human rights, promote the establishment and consolidation of democratic, social and constitutional structures and are pioneers for free trade unions and a strong civil society. We are actively involved in promoting a social, democratic and competitive Europe in the European integration process.
  • Support for talented young people with scholarship programs, in particular for students and doctoral candidates from low-income families or with a migrant background. This is our contribution to increasing educational democracy.
  • The collective memory of social democracy: Our archive, library and contemporary history projects keep the historical roots of social democracy and the trade unions alive and provide support for sociopolitical and historical research.

Programme Description

Applicants come from countries in the Global South (Asia, Africa, Latin America), post-Soviet states as well as eastern and south-eastern European (EU) countries. Students in any subject area are eligible to apply, if they demonstrate excellent school or academic merit, wish to study in Germany, are committed to the values of social democracy and live by them. Scholarships are awarded to highly-performing students and include a comprehensive seminar programme to help enhance the candidates’ social competences and academic skills. Individual support by an on-site liaison lecturer is another benefit of the sponsorship. Each year up to 40 students are awarded FES sponsorships. They are paid a monthly amount of 861 EUR and costs for health insurance are funded. Students with a child receive a family allowance of 276 EUR. The scholarship does not have to be repaid.

Target Group

particularly gifted students from countries in the Global South (Asia, Africa, Latin America), post-Soviet states as well as eastern and south-eastern European (EU) countries. The candidates’ aptitudes and personalities show excellent promise for an academic or professional career. Moreover, candidates are expected to show commitment to the values of social democracy.

Academic Requirements

  • admission to study or enrolment at a state or state-recognised higher education institution in Germany
  • sufficient knowledge of German, even if the courses are held in English. This means a “Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang” of at least DSH level 2, a “Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache” of at least level 4, a “Zertifikat C 1” by a Goethe Institute, the “Deutsche Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz” on level II or Telc C1 Hochschule

Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship Details

  • Host country: Germany
  • University: There are many top German universities that participate in this scholarship program.
  • Fellowship Offered: German Government (offered under the DAAD Program)
  • Number of scholarships: 40
  • Degree Level: Diploma, Bachelor’s, and Master’s programs in multiple fields.
  • Application Deadline: Award applications can be submitted at any time

Scholarship Value

International students receive a monthly base amount of 861 EUR. In addition, costs for health insurance are funded and scholars with a child receive a family allowance of 276 EUR. The scholarship does not have to be repaid.

Eligibility criteria

  • Candidates must be registered at a state-recognized higher education institution in Germany.
  • Candidates must have an outstanding academic record.
  • Candidates must have sufficient knowledge of the German language.
  • Candidates must be responsible, reliable, and enthusiastic individuals.
  • Candidates must have social and political participation.
  • Candidates must demonstrate the true values of democracy.

How does the application process work?

Four steps lead to funding:

  • Step 3: If you are shortlisted, we would like to get to know you personally. We invite you to two meetings : with a liaison professor from your department and with a member of our selection committee. Tips for preparing for the interviews can be found here .
  • Step 4: The selection committee makes the final decision on admission to one of our programs. The committee meets several times a year.